Saturday, September 03, 2011

Meanwhile, five months later...

OK, so what's the excuse this time? Nothing really, just the usual laziness and depression. As well as struggling to remember a simple password for this account, I'm struggling to think if I've done anything worth mentioning in the intervening five months since I last graced this blog with my presence. Let's see...
  • I had some more golf lessons
  • I had my photograph taken with the Ryder Cup
  • I watched my team throw away the SPL for the third year in succession to a mob who wouldn't know good football if it ran out of the stands and assaulted it on live TV
  • I attended a few concerts
  • I played in a concert
  • I took my annual holiday in Llandudno, as usual, but dispensed with a number of traditions along the way
  • I saw a number of birds I'd not seen before
  • I bought a laptop
  • I came to the conclusion that the current incarnation of Doctor Who is the best one yet
  • I saw the future, and it will be characterised by infirmity
  • I started to realise that I may never be allowed to retire
OK, I didn't burn a lot of calories in the course of these momentous events, but I feel that I am on the threshold of something.


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